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    How Much Hair Loss Is Normal in the Shower? Lordhair Answers


    It's no fun to see your precious hair falling out in the shower and heading for the drain. A lot of people get stressed after seeing hair loss in the shower but this shouldn’t be the case. The truth is that hair loss while bathing is completely normal. There is a big chance that you are experiencing a common phenomenon and it actually means nothing at all.

    Top dermatologists say that it is perfectly normal to lose some hair in the shower but if you’re losing too much, then, it's time to pay closer attention to your scalp and schedule a visit to your doctor. But how much hair loss in the shower is normal and how much requires medical attention?

    In this blog, Lordhair will share what normal hair loss looks like, how much hair loss is normal in the shower, and what can be done to reduce hair loss in the shower and eliminate the chances of having to wear a hair system.


    How Much Hair Loss Is Normal in the Shower?

    Before we answer that we need to first think about what is normal when we speak about hair loss in general. 


    What is normal hair loss?

    As we age, our hormone levels tend to shift and change. This can have a variety of effects on our bodies and as a result, hair loss is something many people experience as they age. Normal hair loss in both men and women occurs naturally as we age. It happens to everyone, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. The degree to which you experience it depends on your health and genetics.


    how much hair loss is normal in shower


    We have hundreds of thousands of hair strands which are all at different stages of their 2 to 5-year lifespan. Nutrition, health, stress, genetics, and styling greatly influence the lifespan of our hair.


    How much hair loss happens normally on a daily basis? 

    Normally, people lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair strands a day. The shedding greatly depends on the length, strength, and thickness of your hair. A lot of everyday hair loss can happen in the shower since weak hair comes under stress when we wash and condition it. 

    You can test how much hair you’re losing by simply combing your hair from the front to the back of your head while leaning over a light bedsheet or table. If you count more than 15 to 20 strands, then, more hair is falling out. Consult your doctor if you feel that your hair loss is abnormal and big patches of hair are coming out or hair is thinning at specific places.

    While it’s normal to experience certain amounts of hair loss as you age, excessive hair loss is something that needs to be addressed.


    What Causes Hair Loss in the Shower? 

    The follicles are stimulated and weak hair or hair in the telogen phase is dislodged during the washing and conditioning process. When we apply shampoo to the scalp and rub to get rid of the dirt, impurities, and dead skin, several hair strands may detach. As we said, it is normal to lose some hair during the whole process. 

    However, excessive hair loss in the shower can be the result of an existing medical condition. Research suggests that if patches of hair are coming out in the shower, it could be telogen effluvium. The only way to treat this kind of temporary loss is by addressing its underlying cause. 

    Here are the biggest reasons behind aggressive hair loss in showers:


    Telogen effluvium (TLE): This medical condition appears when a certain portion of your hair follicles enter the resting phase. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including medications, stress, and pregnancy. 

    Medications: Certain medications can make the hair follicles more sensitive, causing excessive hair loss during the showers. Before starting any new medication, check with your doctor to make sure it won’t cause hair loss.

    Stress: Be aware of your stress levels and try to avoid situations that trigger it. Stress can cause spikes in cortisol which can disturb hair growth at the follicle level. 

    Dietary habits: Low amounts of iron, zinc, protein, Vitamin D, and biotin cause more hair to fall in the shower. Since micronutrients are needed to maintain healthy hair growth, try to eat a healthy diet that consists of whole grains, fruits, and veggies. 

    Genetic hair loss: Hair loss can also be genetic in nature. Female and male pattern baldness show up early in families with a history of early hair loss. Most men going through pattern baldness have genetic hair loss to blame. 

    Wrong shampoo: Some shampoo ingredients can aggravate hair loss and breakage. If you notice that this is happening to you, speak to your doctor and switch to a shampoo that is gentler for your hair.


    normal hair loss in the shower

    Discover hairpiece toupees to recover from aggressive thinning


    How to Reduce Hair Loss in the Shower

    There are many ways to address excessive hair loss during the shower. Here are recommendations shared by leading hair experts: 


    Reduce stress levels: By checking stress levels, improvement in overall mood and health can be made. This greatly improves hair health as well. 

    Eat a healthy diet: Adopting a healthy diet will give your body the right nutrients and reduce the chances of hair loss due to poor nutrition. Hair loss in the shower will automatically lessen!

    Take a multivitamin: Vitamin deficiencies can adversely impact health and hair growth. In the long run, this can also kickstart hair loss. Consult your doctor for the right health supplement. 

    Hair gain medication: There are a lot of hair gain medications out there that can help recover from hair loss if it has recently started. Minoxidil and Finasteride are two popular options. However, they have their share of side effects. Have a look at the side effects of Rogaine

    Oil massage: When we oil the scalp, it’s easier to get the oil to the bottom of the follicle, helping to prevent irritation and achieve better scalp health. Use natural oils such as coconut, almond, argan, and macadamia to make the hair manageable, shinier, and softer. 

    Don’t shampoo too often: Shampooing too often can strip your hair of its natural oils and leave it dry, tangled, and weak. You should shampoo your hair at least once a week. If you have dry or damaged hair, then you may want to consider using shampoo with more moisturizing ingredients. 

    Use conditioner: Conditioner helps to moisturize your hair and scalp and can prevent excessive hair loss. That said, make sure that you pick the right condition. If your hair loss in the shower is abnormal, consult your dermatologist for recommendations. 

    Try a shower cap: If excessive hair loss is happening in the shower, try wearing a shower cap. Shower caps are especially helpful if you are used to hot showers. A simple way to check normal hair loss while bathing.   

    Protect your hair from the sun: We all know it’s important to protect your skin from the sun but you can’t forget that you also need to protect your hair from the UV rays as well. Extended exposure to the sun can damage your hair and lead to large amounts of shedding which is similar to using heated styling products. 

    Avoid heat exposure: Heat can make your hair brittle and fragile. The best way to avoid this is to use hairdryers, straighteners, flat irons, and other heat-styling products sparingly. When drying your hair after washing it, try not to do so with hot air as they dry out the proteins of the hair, making them weaker and more prone to breakage. It’s best to let your hair dry naturally rather than with heat. 

    Use a wide-toothed comb: This is a no-brainer since the wide-toothed comb exerts less pull on the hair strands. If you use a small-toothed comb or a bristle brush, damage and pulls to the hair will be greater. 


    Hair Loss in the Shower: Endnote

    Normal hair loss in the shower is nothing to worry about. It happens to most of us and doesn’t require a second thought. However, if you feel that you are losing more than a normal amount of hair in the shower and also throughout the rest of the day, it’s time to seek medical attention. 

    Did you know that if you are experiencing hair loss and you want to do something about it as soon as possible, men's hair systems or women's wigs may be your best option? Contrary to past misperceptions, hairpieces for men and women are ultra-realistic nowadays, as well as being very cost-effective.

    Lordhair is a leading provider of men's and women's hairpieces, you can check them out at lordhair.com 


    Check out these hair recovery and regain options to get back a full head of hair: 



    If your hair loss is extreme, we highly recommend considering non-surgical hair replacement systems for easy recovery from baldness.


