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    6 Cures for Baldness in 2022: Hair Loss Recovery Recommendations for Men


    All of us lose 50 to 100 hair strands a day. Anyone who is seeing more hair shedding than that or has visible bald spots should consider it as a sign of approaching baldness or hair damage. While baldness at its advanced stage cannot be completely treated, there are cures and treatments that are helping men and women slow down the progress and aid hair recovery.

    In this blog, Lordhair - a global supplier of affordable hairpieces for men - will share a list of baldness cures that were popular in 2022 and will be prescribed in 2023 as well. Choose a hair recovery treatment depending on the cause of your hair loss and get back your lost hair!

    Note: A permanent cure for baldness is yet to come. Almost 80% of baldness is hereditary and it is very hard to recover from with 100% success. We recommend proceeding with medical guidance if choosing surgical or drug-driven recovery options.

    What Are the Best Cures for Baldness in 2022?

    The following are some baldness cures and recovery treatments that many have found to be effective while trying to regrow hair or cover up bald patches in 2022:

    #1 Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

    We bet most of our readers are aware of this cure for baldness. For those who aren’t, Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a surgical hair restoration technique that involves the removal of a long, thin piece of tissue from the back of the scalp. The surgeons then separate the follicles from it using stereo-microscopic dissection. These follicles are then transplanted to the affected scalp area.

    Pioneered in the early 1990s, the recovery time of FUT for baldness is considerably long. It takes around three to four months for transplanted hair to grow back completely on the scalp. However, this baldness cure is expensive, painful, and will probably leave a scar at the sight of hair removal. Also, there are chances of losing hair within a few months of surgery.

    #2 Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

    Unlike FUT, this surgical cure for baldness is less uncomfortable and has a short recovery time. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) involves the extraction of hair follicles from the donor area of the body such as arms, legs and chest, and their application to the scalp using microscopic circular incisions.

    Remember we also told you that FUT leaves scars on the hair removal site? That’s not the case with FUE. During this baldness treatment, the surgeon will use micro punches to draw out follicles from the donor area which leaves no trace of extraction.

    But that doesn’t mean this surgical cure for baldness is completely safe. Men and women who undergo FUE surgery may face scalp infections, crust around the treated area, pain, swelling, numbness, and tingling.

    Learn the differences between FUE vs FUT hair transplants


    #3 Hair replacement systems

    Looking for a cure that is totally painless, has no side effects, and can help you overcome chronic baldness quickly in 2022? Hair replacement systems are just for you! Also known as modern-day wigs, hairpiece toupees, toppers, and hairpieces, these are the best non-surgical hair recovery solution for those who already have visible bald spots and aggressive hair shedding.

    Hair systems are designed using real human hair hand-woven onto a base made of premium materials. Comfortable, durable, and long-lasting, they blend easily with real hair and scalp skin to deliver a hyper-realistic look.

    Check out how amazing this gentleman looks after wearing a Lordhair hair replacement system:


    #4 Laser therapy

    An up-and-coming treatment to cure baldness, laser hair growth therapy involves the use of low-level lasers to invigorate blood circulation in the scalp and encourage hair growth.

    Also called red light therapy and cold laser therapy, this hair recovery treatment involves pointing a device that emits low-level laser on affected areas of the scalp. It penetrates the scalp and irradiates photons into its tissues. Although laser therapy for baldness is non-invasive and painless, it can cause acne, redness, mild headache, and itchiness.

    #5 Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

    We all know that platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is used for the treatment of a variety of conditions like tissue regeneration, wound healing, scar revision, and rejuvenating skin effects. But do you know it is also used as a cure for baldness and hair thinning? Yes, you read it right!

    In order to produce PRP, the doctor will take a sample of your blood and put it into a centrifuge. Once the machine will split up blood fluids into different densities, the medical practitioner will extract platelet-rich plasma into a syringe and inject it into those scalp areas that lack hair strands.

    Keep in mind that since PRP baldness treatment involves the use of syringes, it is going to have risks as well.

    Learn everything about PRP treatment for hair loss in detail!

    #6 Scalp micropigmentation

    OK, this isn’t exactly a cure for baldness but can definitely provide men with overall or frontal hair thinning and damage the appearance of a head full of hair in 2022. Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a cosmetic tattoo technique where pigment is used on the epidermal layer of the scalp using a needle for adding density and imitating natural hair follicles.

    A great option for those suffering from hair loss conditions like alopecia areata, thinning hair, and pattern baldness, the results of scalp micropigmentation can be seen immediately. However, one simply can’t swim or enter a sauna or steam for a few months after using this cure for baldness. Plus, you will have to keep your hair very short in a buzz cut.

    cure for baldness

    Cures for Baldness in 2022: Final Words

    Above are the best cures for treating baldness and hair thinning in 2022. Extreme hair shedding can leave anyone in distress whether it occurs because of genetics, lifestyle issues, medical conditions, stress, or any other reason.

    If your hair loss is aggressive and bald patches have grown bigger, we highly recommend buying a hair system. Lordhair manufactures and supplies a wide range of premium stock as well as custom hair units to more than 100 countries and provides a 30-day money-back warranty.

    Got any queries for us? Send them to support@lordhair.com and have them answered by our hair experts!



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