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    Scalp Psoriasis Hair Loss: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

    Folliculitis, ringworm, scleroderma - there are many scalp infections that trigger hair fall. But scalp psoriasis is something that has been bothering a lot of men and women lately. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, more than 8 million Americans have psoriasis, and around 30% of them develop scalp psoriasis which leads to hair loss and thinning.

    Dealing with any type of hair loss can be a big challenge if one is not aware of the condition, signs, and medical connections. That’s why we decided to help with scalp psoriasis hair loss and thinning! In this blog, Lordhair - a leading supplier of hairpiece toupees - will talk about definitions, signs, and treatments for psoriasis along with lifestyle changes that can help overcome the hair fall condition.

    Don’t have enough time to read the complete post? Don’t worry, we have prepared a FAQ version for you.

    Here’s the FAQ version of the blog:

    What is scalp psoriasis?

    Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that makes the immune system hyperactive and affects scalp skin cell growth, causing them to build up faster than normal.

    What are the symptoms and signs of scalp psoriasis?

    The following are symptoms and signs of scalp psoriasis in men and women:


    • Dry and itchy scalp
    • Silver-white scales
    • Bumpy, discolored patches
    • Dry scalp that may crack and bleed
    • Dandruff-like flaking
    • Burning sensation
    • Soreness or pain
    • Thickened and pitted nails
    • Nails detached from nail beds

    Are scalp psoriasis and hair loss connected?

    Scalp psoriasis and hair loss are indirectly connected with each other.

    Is scalp psoriasis hair loss permanent?

    Scalp psoriasis hair loss is temporary if treated without delay. Men and women may not be able to regrow hair if they have chronic, severe scalp psoriasis that was left untreated for a long time.

    What are the best treatments for scalp psoriasis hair loss?

    These treatments will help in treating hair loss caused by scalp psoriasis:


    • Medicated shampoo
    • Corticosteroid cream
    • Steroid injections
    • Hair systems
    • Coconut oil
    • Lifestyle changes

    Now that we are done with the TLDR version, let’s dig deeper into scalp psoriasis hair loss!

    What Is Scalp Psoriasis?

    Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system becomes hyperactive and affects scalp skin cell growth, causing them to build up faster than normal. Rare but long-lasting, new skin cells multiply 10 times faster than normal, producing within days which usually takes weeks.

    Dermatologists state that scalp psoriasis can either occur in 1-2 patches or be widespread. The excess cells form heaps on the surface of the scalp, resulting in scaly patches of itchy, dry skin to occur. Other than affecting the scalp, this condition can also spread to the forehead, back of the neck, or behind and inside the ears.

    scalp psoriasis hair loss

    What Are the Symptoms and Signs of Scalp Psoriasis?

    For many men and women, the scalp is the sole part of the body where psoriasis takes place. Such people, at first, will notice that their scalps have become dry and itchy. As the condition gets worse, silver-white scales will begin to form on the scalp skin.

    And that’s not it! One will also notice the following symptoms while suffering from this autoimmune disorder:


    • Bumpy, discolored patches
    • Dry scalp that may crack and bleed
    • Dandruff-like flaking
    • Burning sensation
    • Soreness or pain

    In some cases, men and women may witness red patches and raised skin on the trunk, arms, legs, knees, elbows, and genitals. Their nails may also thicken, become pitted, and get detached from nail beds.

    Note: Visit a doctor immediately in case you notice any of the aforementioned signs or symptoms.

    Are Scalp Psoriasis and Hair Loss Connected?

    Scalp psoriasis does not directly target hair follicles. It causes inflammation and makes hair strands weak and brittle. The intense inflammation consorted with psoriatic scalp skin loosens follicles and makes strands fall on their own. But what makes it worse are dry and itchy silver-white scales on the scalp.

    This autoimmune medical condition, when paired with itchiness and dryness, makes men and women feel inclined to frequently scratch, pick, or rub their scalp. It also forces them to remove plaques. Hair experts say that this becomes the reason behind scalp psoriasis hair loss.

    The connection between antibiotics and hair loss

    Is Scalp Psoriasis Hair Loss Permanent?

    We know our readers right now are thinking, “Okay, I will try to stop scratching and picking up my scalp. But will my strands grow back? Is scalp psoriasis hair loss permanent?” Trichologists and dermatologists say that hair loss as a result of this autoimmune condition is only temporary if treated in a timely manner.

    Sadly, one may not be able to regrow hair if he/she has chronic, severe scalp psoriasis that was left untreated for a long time. Scratching the scalp skin to the point where it is bleeding or several sores on the head can also result in permanent hair loss.


    psoriasis and hair loss

    What are the Best Treatments for Scalp Psoriasis Hair Loss?

    The following treatments and lifestyle changes will help men and women deal with hair loss caused by scalp psoriasis:

    #1 Medicated shampoo


    Using a medicated shampoo is one of the best ways to take care of hair loss caused by scalp psoriasis. Rich in azole antifungal ingredients like ketoconazole, coal tar, and salicylic acid, they can help treat itching and flaking caused by scalp psoriasis. A medicated shampoo will also lift and soften hair strands, and help get rid of scales on the scalp.

    #2 Corticosteroid cream

    Men and women can also apply a corticosteroid cream to treat symptoms of scalp psoriasis hair loss. It will not only help in reducing inflammation but also in slowing the rapid production of skin cells on the head. We highly recommend taking a prescription from a dermatologist though because corticosteroid cream has its share of side effects.

    #3 Steroid injections

    Another known treatment for scalp psoriasis hair loss! Administering steroid injections directly into the scalp can help you clear plaque lesions and control symptoms including swelling and inflammation. Although they can be painful, they can counteract the effects of the autoimmune disease and allow hair to grow.

    scalp psoriasis and hair loss

    #4 Hair systems

    The treatments mentioned above for scalp psoriasis hair loss may not work for everyone. To them, Lordhair suggests buying hairpieces for men or hair wigs for women. Also called modern-day hair units, they provide coverage for the areas that are affected by scalp psoriasis hair loss.

    Comfortable, breathable, and durable, toupee hair replacement systems don’t have any side effects like corticosteroid cream or steroid injection and look hyper-realistic, providing an appearance of hair coming out of the scalp.

    Check out how amazing Juha looks after trying a Lordhair hair replacement system:


    #5 Coconut oil

    Coconut oil is considered to be one of the most popular home remedies for treating hair loss and inflammation caused by scalp psoriasis in men and women. It has a unique mixture of fatty acids that contributes to hair health and conditions them deeply. When rubbed on wet hair and scalp, the anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil help ease psoriasis pain.

    16 natural remedies for hair growth and thickness

    #6 Lifestyle changes

    We understand that a healthy head of hair is critical for most men and women. Also, not everyone wants to go with the idea of trying medications and supplements to treat scalp psoriasis hair loss. Fortunately, there are some lifestyle tips that can help in preventing hair fall and encourage hair growth.

    Consider these lifestyle changes and hacks to manage symptoms of scalp psoriasis hair loss:


    • Avoid scratching or picking scales
    • Keep fingernails trimmed
    • Gently comb the hair
    • Don’t use brush bristles forcibly
    • Avoid blow-drying hair - allow hair to air dry naturally
    • Wear a hat or cap when going outside
    • Avoid smoking, drinking, and stress-included activities

    Please note that the above recommendations give the best results when combined with medical attention and guidance.


    scalp psoriasis and hair loss

    Scalp Psoriasis Hair Loss: Final Words

    Above are treatments and lifestyle changes to treat scalp psoriasis hair loss. We understand that dealing with this condition is going to be challenging with the added stress of losing your hair. But these treatments can help men and women control flare-ups and stop them from coming around again.

    Lordhair highly recommends using hairpieces for thinning hair if hair loss is extreme and one sees no signs of hair recovery. We design and supply the world’s best range of stock and custom hair replacement systems to more than 100 countries. Our hair integration and recovery products also come with a 30-day money-back warranty.

    Got any queries? Send them to support@lordhair.com and have them answered by our hair experts.




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