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    Why Lordhair Is a Type of Hair Club



    If you're looking for a hair club, you'll probably want to check out Lordhair. It's not a hair club in the traditional sense - we don't meet on a weekly basis and drink beer from hats or anything like that - but it is a silent community of followers who understand what it's like to experience hair loss or thinning hair and opted to use a hair replacement system. Not only that, I try to write to my audience because our shared struggle bonds us as 'brothers and sisters in arms' (or something like that!). And while I'm not sure if we could call each other friends, I will say that I speak with many people over time because we all share something very important: hair loss can get lost!


    Lordhair Fellowship of Hair System Wearers

    You may have heard the term "fellowship" before. It's a way of describing the feeling you get when you are part of a group that shares common interests, beliefs and goals. This can be anything from working out at the gym to playing football or in our case, wearing hair replacement systems.

    In addition to being able to enjoy these activities together, the fellowship also gives people who feel isolated or alone in their daily lives an opportunity to connect with others who understand them better than anyone else might be able to do so otherwise. In this sense, Lordhair doesn't just provide quality products - it provides its customers with something even more valuable: a community of hair replacement system users.

    Fellowship isn't limited solely though; it can also take place online through social media sites like Facebook where many users join groups based upon similar interests such as music genres (I love Madonna!), TV shows (Pose), books/poems written by authors such as Edgar Allan Poe ... etcetera, etcetera. You get where I'm going here?


    Check out the Lordhair Facebook community and meet hair system wearers like yourself


    Hair Loss Was a Very Emotional Experience for Me

    Hair loss can be a very emotional experience. I, like many others, felt a sense of loss, frustration and anger at my hair loss, but it's important to understand that these feelings are normal but if not dealt with, can often lead to sadness or depression as research has shown.

    If you are experiencing any of these feelings, don't hesitate to seek help from someone who understands what you're going through - whether that's your GP or another health professional like a counsellor or psychologist. Or, continue to read these blogs which will hopefully help to guide you and make first-hand suggestions.


    Watch how Nicholas turned his life around with a hair system


    You Are Not Alone



    Hair loss can be difficult to deal with, especially when it's a result of an illness or medical condition. But you are not alone. There are many people who have gone through hair loss and understand what you are going through.

    You can talk to people who have gone through hair loss by joining support groups for those dealing with alopecia (a medical condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles), trichotillomania (a psychological disorder characterised by compulsive urges to pull out one's own hair), chemotherapy, etc.

    You may feel like you're the only one who has this problem, but in this 'club,' you're not. Your friends and family might not be able to relate, but they do understand how difficult it can be to cope with hair loss. You may be the most confident person in the room and still feel insecure about your hair loss - and that's okay.


    Lordhair Understands You and Wants to Support You

    Besides, the wealth of advice on these blogs, there are support groups and online forums where people share their stories, struggles, and victories in dealing with hair loss. Find your own hair club on social media, a great resource for finding others with similar experiences who can provide encouragement during tough times. Then, there are, of course, the Lordhair social media pages (listed below). 

    Or, reach out to Lordhair directly at support@lordhair.com and speak to a real, friendly person.



    Ray is a guest contributor to our blogs with an extensive background in PR. Ray loves to discuss his own hair system journey by offering insights into wearing and styling a hair system as well as providing observations on the role of hair in sexual and gender identity from an LGBTQ+ perspective. Be sure to check out more of Ray’s Diversity content.



    Read some recent Diversity blogs: 


