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    What Doctor Do You See for Hair Loss?


    If you face hair loss or get intense hair damage, you might need to seek some unique medical treatments. Rather than trying to self-diagnose yourself on the internet and cause more stress, you need to go to a doctor who specializes in hair loss. A doctor who is qualified to deal with hair-related problems is a dermatologist.

    There are so many different fields in medicine and so many specializations. It can be challenging for non-qualified hairless sufferers to determine who specializes in what. So, if you are looking for someone who can treat your hair problems such as hair damage, dandruff, etc., then a dermatologist is your person to get guidance.


    What Is a Dermatologist?

    • A dermatologist is a trained professional who treats different skin conditions, nails, and hair. There are many different hair conditions, such as damaged and dry hair, excess dry or oily scalp, and other conditions. Therefore, if you face any of these conditions, you can seek medical help from a dermatologist.
    • A dermatologist has extensive training in their field. They need at least 15 to 20 years of education and medical experience to qualify as a dermatologist.
    • A dermatologist is aware of more than 3000 diseases related to hair, nails, and skin. Other than that, these doctors also excel in giving hair treatments and even hair surgeries. People also seek professional help from a dermatologist regarding a wide range of cosmetic procedures. 


    What Education Does a Dermatologist Have?

    Since skin, hair and nails are one of the most precious and seen assets for a human, the person who is treating them should be well educated. Therefore, the following are a few points that a dermatologist does before being certified.


    • Four years of education from a medical college to earn a bachelor's degree in doctorate
    • A year-long internship in a medical environment
    • Three years of residency and then specialization in the field of dermatology


    What Is a Trichologist?

    A person expert in trichology or hair study is called a trichologist. A trichologist also works to better the person's hair and treats the problems related to hair. But there are a few dissimilarities between a dermatologist and a trichologist.
    A dermatologist is a medically certified person who is qualified and competent to do any necessary tests to give a diagnosis. But a trichologist is not qualified to do so; they can, however, assist a dermatologist. A trichologist can only give topical treatments (remedies to apply to the skin), but they are not qualified to perform any surgeries or tests for diagnosis purposes.

    If you have any trouble regarding your hair quality or hair growth, you can take advice from both a dermatologist and a trichologist.


    Struggling with Hair Loss? What Can You Do?

    You may prefer to directly cover the problem, leave your hair loss worries behind you and get straight on with your life. You can do this with an instant fix! A toupee for men (aka hair system) gives you a full set of hair in less than an hour and you can wear it for up to 6 months!



    Hair system providers such as Lordhair are able to advise on wearing a hair system as a solution. Dermatologists may provide advice on how to effectively care for your scalp if wearing a system.

    Get in touch with support@lordhair.com today if you are struggling with hair loss and are considering a hair system to help.


