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    Does Drinking Alcohol Cause Hair Loss?


    Alcohol is one of the most widely consumed substances in the world with global consumption at a staggering 272.1 billion liters in 2022. However, its negative effects on health cannot be ignored. Excessive drinking can lead to various health issues including liver disease, heart disease, and even cancer. Some people also believe that alcohol also causes hair loss and can lead to baldness. 

    Is it really true? What does science have to say about it? If it is true, how can we prevent hair loss caused by drinking alcohol? We know these are a lot of questions but the good news is that we come prepared with answers as well! 

    In this blog, Lordhair - trusted globally for men’s hairpieces and women's wigs - will answer the hair loss question and provide scientifically backed information on whether or not alcohol can cause hair loss.

    Before diving in, let's learn exactly what alcohol is composed of. 


    What Is Alcohol Composed of? 

    Alcohol is a colorless, flammable liquid produced by the fermentation of sugars and other carbohydrates. Also called ethanol or ethyl alcohol, it comprises carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and atoms with the chemical formula C2H50H. People have been consuming and using alcohol for various throughout history. Some of the uses of alcohol include:


    • Recreation

    • Solvent for essential oils and herbal extracts

    • Ingredient for fuel used in vehicles

    • Preservatives for food and beverages

    • Disinfectant for medical equipment and surfaces


    But as we said earlier, excessive and prolonged consumption of alcohol can take a toll on the body and cause negative health effects including liver disease and neurological damage.  


    does alcohol cause hair loss


    Does Alcohol Really Cause Hair Loss?

    Most of us lose 50 to 100 strands a day. So, if you are noticing a few broken strands on the comb or in the sink, there’s no need to worry. Shedding is a part of the natural hair growth cycle. The lost strands will typically be replaced by new ones over time. 

    However, if men and women are facing excessive hair shedding and they suspect that the glass of wine they enjoy in the evenings could be harming their hair let us tell you that there isn’t any direct link between alcohol and hair loss. 

    However, scientists state that drinking alcohol does cause other health issues that may trigger thinning or hair loss. Wondering what those scary reasons could be? 

    Let’s dive in! 


    Which Alcohol-Related Health Issues Cause Hair Loss? 

    The following health issues triggered by excessive alcohol use not only wreak havoc on your life and health but also cause hair loss: 


    #1 Blood sugar spikes 

    Blood sugar plays a vital role in the human body. According to hair experts, it is the major source of energy used to perform different bodily functions including basic brain functions. However, too much glucose (another name for blood sugar) in the bloodstream can leave an adverse impact on overall body health. 

    Different types of alcoholic beverages have considerable amounts of sugar in them. Drinks like alcopops, cocktails, and mixers have huge amounts of sucrose and fructose. These can lead to imbalances in blood sugar levels over time and potentially contribute to hair loss. 


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    #2 Elevated stress levels 

    Stress is a major part of the modern lifestyle and can serve as a powerful motivator for growth and change. However, when stress levels become overwhelming, it can leave a negative impact on both physical and mental health. 

    Many people turn to alcohol as a way to cope with stress. However, excessive consumption increases feelings of anxiety and stress in the long run. Chronic stress combined with alcohol consumption disrupts healthy sleep patterns and depletes essential nutrients from the human body. It contributes to inflammation and hormonal imbalances that can lead to hair loss over time. 


    #3 Lack of essential nutrients 

    Here is another alcohol-triggered health issue that can cause hair loss in men and women. Dermatologists say that consuming alcohol, in the long run, can interrupt the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which are essential for hair growth. This can lead to deficiencies that affect the health of both hair and the scalp. 

    For instance, a lack of biotin, zinc, and iron - all of which are responsible for the growth of healthy hair - makes hair brittle, and thin, and can even lead to hair loss. Some hair experts also state that alcohol consumption also impairs liver function. For those who don’t know, the liver is responsible for filtering toxins for the body and processing important nutrients. 

    It leads to a cascade of negative effects on overall health including hair loss. 


    alcohol and hair loss


    #4 Hormonal imbalance 

    As we said earlier, alcohol consumption also disrupts the balance of hormones in the body, resulting in hair loss. It increases the levels of estrogen which interfere with the production of androgens - hormones responsible for hair growth on the scalp. Moreover, alcohol consumption increases levels of cortisol. For those who are not familiar with cortisol, it is a stress hormone that can contribute to hair loss over time.  


    What Are Some Treatments for Alcohol-Related Hair Loss? 

    Here are some treatments and lifestyle changes that may help men and women prevent or reduce alcohol-related hair loss: 


    #1 Limit alcohol consumption

    The first and foremost thing that one needs to do is to limit alcohol consumption. This will leave a positive impact on your overall health including hair strands. As soon as you cut back on booze, your body will start healing and recovering from the negative effects of alcohol which will help you promote healthy hair growth. 

    Cutting back on alcohol will also improve nutrient absorption, reduce dehydration, and balance hormone levels. However, one should note that it may take several months for new hair to appear on the scalp (if the damage is alcohol related). 


    #2 Eat a balanced diet

    Having a balanced diet is important for maintaining a head full of healthy hair, especially when dealing with alcohol-related hair loss. Foods rich in nutrients like biotin, vitamin C, iron, and zinc are particularly important for promoting hair strands on the scalp. 

    Incorporating these foods into their diet will help men and women support healthy hair growth and prevent thinning triggered by alcohol: 


    • Biotin: Eggs, almonds, sweet potatoes, spinach, and salmon 

    • Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, and broccoli 

    • Iron: Lean meats, leafy greens, beans, and fortified cereals

    • Zinc: Oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, lentils, and yogurt


    #3 Stay hydrated 

    One of the most important lifestyle changes one should consider to stop hair loss caused by alcoholic beverages. For those who don't know, ethanol is diuretic. Meaning, it can cause dehydration in the body which can make hair dry and brittle, leading to breakage and hair loss. Drinking enough water and other hydrating fluids will help men and women keep their bodies hydrated. 

    It is recommended to drink about 8-10 cups of water per day. Other than this, consider consuming herbal tea, coconut water, and low-sugar sports drinks to stay hydrated and put a full stop to hair loss caused by alcohol. Check out this blog for more hydration tips.


    #4 Practice stress reduction techniques 

    Stress is not what happens to us but how we respond to it. And when it comes to responding to stress caused by alcohol, one should reply by practicing stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and outdoor workouts. These will not only help in promoting stress and relaxation but also in improving hair health.  


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    #5 Use hair systems

    While it’s true that the aforementioned treatments and lifestyle changes will help with alcohol-related hair loss recovery, there is no certainty that these will work for all, especially if the thinning or hair shedding is aggressive. In such a case, using a hair replacement system or wig can be a good option. 

    Also called men’s hairpieces, hair toupees, and wigs for women, hair systems come in a variety of designs and hair options. They can even be customized according to your needs and preferences. Hair systems are a convenient way to restore hair to your scalp without the need for invasive procedures and can be a viable option for those experiencing alcohol-related hair loss.  


    Check out how amazing Christopher looks after trying a premium Lordhair hair system!


    Alcohol and Hair Loss: End Note

    There you have it! We've told you everything important that there is to know about hair loss caused by alcohol. There’s no doubt that it is challenging to deal with but by considering these treatments and lifestyle changes, in time, you can take control of your hair health and feel confident once again. 

    Consider buying a hair system if nothing works for you. Lordhair offers a variety of wigs and custom-made hair toupees for men and women who are facing hairline recession. Our units are shipped to 100+ countries and all come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

    Got any queries about our hair loss solution? Send them to support@lordhair.com and have them answered by our hair experts



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