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    Gray Hair Part II: How Can I Add Gray Hair to My Hair System?



    Now since gray hair is a fact of life, it is going to be a key feature of many a hair system. Most of our customers want their hair systems to look as natural as possible. They want people to believe that the hair on their hair system could be their own. The hair on your hair system, therefore, needs to match your own natural aging process. If you're at a certain stage in life then a hair density that is too thick can be a dead giveaway that you’re wearing a hair system. No sign of any gray hairs can be another.


    There are two ways to help us get the right amount of gray in your hair. You could either send us in a sample of your own hair and we can see for ourselves the balance of gray hair against your natural color. We’d always recommend sending in a hair sample when it comes to choosing a hair color by the way. That said, you could also give us the amount of gray hair you’d like as a percentage of your natural color. For example, your natural color could equate to our off-black color and you may want 80% off-black and 20% gray hair. This is represented as 1B20# on our color code. (The last two digits are the percentage of gray hair.) You can see the full percentage possibilities with our off-black color stock hair systems here:



    A wide variety of gray hair possibilities are available with our stock hair systems but you have even greater possibilities if you order a custom hair system as the following photo shows:



    With custom hair systems, you have complete control over the exact percentage as well as choosing how you would like the gray hair to be distributed across the eight areas of your hair. One of our color rings for custom-made hair systems can give you a clear idea of just what hair colour possibilities there are. Each ring has more than 90 hair color samples including ones with gray hair.


    You may have noticed in the photo depicting the customisation options that there are three choices for gray hair and the third one might surprise you somewhat. (Be aware that we only use synthetic hair in our stock hair systems.) The table below summarizes their respective advantages and disadvantages:



    A read of this older blog can enlighten you further on the factors to consider if you are trying to decide between human and synthetic gray hair.


    Whatever it is you decide upon, gray hair of all descriptions and percentages can be easily incorporated into our hair systems. So, let’s all just embrace it and go gray gracefully! After all, gray hair is better than no hair!


    If you feel you need some further clarification on gray hair then just send an email to support@lordhair.com or drop us a line on our social media pages or on our website. A Skype call is also possible.
