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    Upsides vs. Downsides of Bleach Knots

    Bleach knots have been widely used on lace hair systems for a more natural looking effect, especially on the front hairline. Most people know of bleach knots and take the view that bleach knots are better than non-bleach knots. Is that true? Some other people, especially long-term hair system users, don't agree.


    Upsides of Bleach Knots

    The bleaching process is used on the small knots that fix the hair to the base because the knots are noticeable, like alot of small dots which hinder the appearance of hair growing right from the scalp. The bleach knots look white and are not as noticeable as unbleached black knots. That’s why bleach knots make the hair system look more natural. Bleach knots are often used on lace bases or fine welded monofilament bases but are not available on other monofilament bases or skin bases. With bleach knots, you don’t need to worry people recognizing that you are wearing a hair system.


    Downsides of Bleach Knots

    Though most people know the merits of bleach knots, not everyone knows their limits. The bleaching process needs chemicals, which will affect the quality of the hair, taking the form of easy breakage of the bleached strands. Once the hair breaks, the hair system will shed quickly. Therefore bleach knots are not recommended for the whole hair system unless the customer insists. For dark complexions, bleach knots are not advisable, because the white bleach knots contrast too much.

    Bleach knots are great, you just need to think carefully about whether they are the right choice for you.
