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    Hairstyles and Hair Loss: Connection, Recovery Tips, and More


    Getting a new hairstyle is undeniably thrilling, with countless possibilities to express individuality. Especially for women, the allure of experimenting with haircuts is irresistible. They love to wear sleek ponies one week and braids the next. However, amidst the excitement lies a concern often overlooked - hair loss!

    Yes, you read it right. Some hairdos can impact your strands' health. If your favorite hairstyles are also contributing to hair fall and you don’t know what to do next, this blog is for you.

    In this blog, Lordhair - trusted globally for men's hairpieces and women's wigs - will shed light on the intricate connection between hairstyles and hair loss. From exploring telltale signs to comprehensive recovery tips, we will cover all crucial aspects.

    First, let’s delve into the connection between these two!

    Is There a Connection Between Hairstyles and Hair Loss?

    The idea that your hairstyle could be linked to hair loss might seem silly but sadly, this could be true! The way you style your hair can have a significant impact on its health and retention.

    According to dermatologists, certain hairstyles exert tension on the hair shaft, leading to a condition known as traction alopecia. This occurs when constant pulling or tension is applied to the hair roots, weakening them over time. Now, you might be wondering how to tell if your chosen style is contributing to your hair fall.

    Understanding the signs and being aware of the impact of different styles on hair health is crucial for making informed choices about your preferred hairstyle. Fear not, we'll delve into that in the next section!

    Hair loss hairstyle

    What Are the Signs of Hair Loss Caused by Hairstyles?

    Here are signs to watch for if you suspect that your precious locks are being lost to your choice of hairstyle:

    #1 Receding hairline

    A receding hairline is often characterized by the gradual backward movement of the hairline. This occurs when hairstyles consistently pull on the hair, leading to stress on the hair follicles. This continuous tension weakens the follicles over time, causing them to recede.

    It's essential to be mindful of changes in your hairline. Addressing the issue early can prevent further damage and promote healthier hair growth.

    #2 Thinning along the crown

    Thinning along the crown of the head is another noticeable sign of potential hair loss related to certain hairstyles. Styles that involve tight pulling can exert stress on the hair in the crown area. This constant tension weakens the hair shaft, leading to thinning and a reduction in overall hair volume.

    #3 Visible scalp

    Men and women will notice an increased visibility of the scalp, especially in areas where hair is typically dense. Some hairdos can cause the strands to be pulled taut, making the scalp more apparent. Dermatologists say that this is a clear indication that the chosen hairstyle is placing strain on the hair follicles, potentially leading to long-term damage.

    #4 Pain or discomfort

    Experiencing pain, tenderness, or discomfort along your hairline or scalp? Well, consider these as consequences of the constant strain inflicted by certain hairstyles. Persistent pain in these areas is a signal that your chosen hairstyle may be negatively impacting your scalp health.

    Note: If the hair is getting worse day by day, immediately see a dermatologist! They will address your discomfort promptly, preventing further complications and promoting overall hair well-being.

    #5 Breakage and split ends

    Excessive breakage and the presence of split ends, especially in areas under strain from tight hairstyles, can be indicative of damage to the hair shaft. These indicators suggest that your hair is experiencing stress. It may not be able to withstand the tension imposed by your current hairstyle.

    #6 Hair shedding

    Some men and women may notice aggressive hair shedding on the scalp, particularly during or after styling. Scientists often associate it with traction alopecia. Hair shedding is not just a cosmetic concern; it's also an indication of potential damage to the follicles. If left unaddressed, this continuous stress on the follicles can contribute to long-term hair loss or thinning.

    You may also be interested in:

    - What is a disturbed hair shedding cycle?

    - Hair shedding vs hair loss

    - Your guide to traction alopecia

    - How to stimulate hair growth and follicles


    Which Hairstyles Cause Hair Loss?

    Now that you're familiar with the connection between certain hairstyles and the signs of associated hair loss, the next logical question is, “What specific hairdos can contribute to hair fall or thinning on the scalp?” We believe that understanding the impact of various styles is essential for making informed choices about your hair care routine.

    Here are different types of hairstyles that may lead to hair loss:

    #1 Ponytail

    Ponytails are a go-to boss girl hairstyle for many, particularly for their simplicity and practicality. But do you know that wearing them too tightly and consistently can lead to traction alopecia? The high tension created by tight ponytails pulls on the hair follicles, weakening them over time.

    This constant stress can result in a receding hairline, thinning along the crown, and increased hair shedding.

    #2 Braids

    Braids, especially intricate and tightly woven styles, are known culprits in causing hair fall in many men and women. Scarring or traction alopecia can develop when braids are too tight since they exert constant pressure on the hair roots. This tension weakens the follicles and can lead to a variety of issues, including thinning along the braided sections and the surrounding areas.

    Hair loss and hairstyles

    #3 Wet updos

    Updos are already overkill for your precious strands. And upon this, if you choose to wear them when your hair is wet, the risk of tension-induced hair loss is heightened! The combination of moisture and tension can weaken the hair shaft, leading to increased breakage, shedding, and overall stress on the follicles.

    #4 Blowout-preserving bun

    Another hairstyle that can lead to hair loss in both men and women! Buns created to preserve a blowout hairstyle often involve tightly pulling the hair which can lead to tension-induced hair loss. The constant stress on the hair shaft weakens it, making it more prone to breakage and shedding.

    Individuals who frequently opt for blowouts should be cautious about how tightly they secure their buns to maintain the style as excessive pulling can compromise the overall health of the hair.

    #5 Pin-straight hair

    Constantly styling hair in a pin-straight manner, especially when using heat tools frequently, can contribute to hair loss. The repeated application of heat can weaken the hair shaft. It makes it more susceptible to breakage. Additionally, the tension caused by the straightening process can lead to stress on the follicles, potentially resulting in thinning and hair loss over time.

    #6 Color-treated hair

    We bet our readers were not surprised to see this hairstyle option on our list! Although color-treated hair can enhance your look, the chemical processes involved in it can weaken the hair shaft, making it more prone to breakage and hair loss. Harsh chemicals in hair dyes can strip the hair of its natural moisture, leading to dryness and brittleness.

    #7 Long Locks

    Surprisingly, the weight of long, heavy locks can also contribute to hair loss. This is true particularly if the hair is frequently tied up or pulled tightly. The constant tension from the weight of long hair can weaken the follicles and lead to gradual thinning.

    #8 Dreadlocks

    Another hairstyle type that can cause hair loss in men and women! Okay, creating and maintaining dreadlocks involves tightly twisting and securing sections of hair. But you know what it means for your hair on your scalp? Tension on the hair roots!

    Yes, you read it right! While dreadlocks can be a stylish choice, the continuous strain on the hair follicles can result in traction alopecia. This type of hair loss may manifest as thinning along the sections where the hair is tightly bound.

    hair loss hair style

    What Are the Best Treatments to Deal with Hair Loss Caused by Hairstyles?

    Addressing hair loss caused by hairstyles involves a combination of treatments and lifestyle changes to promote overall hair health. Here are some effective approaches, along with a mention of hair systems:

    #1 Scalp massages

    Regular scalp massage is a simple yet effective way to enhance hair health. Massaging the scalp stimulates blood circulation, ensuring that hair follicles receive an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen. This increased blood flow promotes hair growth and can help alleviate the effects of traction alopecia caused by tight hairstyles.

    A few minutes of gentle massage during your hair care routine can contribute to a healthier scalp and stronger hair.

    #2 Moisturizing hair masks

    Just like we hydrate our body to maintain proper bodily functions and avoid dehydration, hydrating your hair with regular deep conditioning masks is also helpful in preventing and addressing hair loss. Wondering how these will help? Well, these masks penetrate the hair shaft, replenishing moisture and restoring elasticity.

    Well-moisturized hair is less prone to breakage and split ends - common issues associated with certain hairstyles. Incorporating a nourishing hair mask into your routine will maintain its overall strength and resilience.

    #3 Loose hairstyles

    Opting for looser hairstyles is a key strategy in preventing tension-induced hair loss. Since you know tight hairstyles can exert constant pressure on the hair follicles, choosing looser styles will reduce this tension and minimize the risk of hair damage. Embracing a more relaxed approach to styling will not only help you preserve the health of your hair but also provide a stylish and comfortable alternative.

    #4 Heat protectants

    While you should try to cut down on the use of styling tools in case damage is already there, we understand it's sometimes hard to do that. The truth is that these tools can be essential for achieving specific hairstyles or looks. If you want to keep heat styling as a part of your routine, at least consider applying heat-protectant products.

    These will create a protective barrier, reducing the impact of heat on the hair shaft. They will prevent breakage, split ends, and overall hair weakening caused by styling tools. Put simply, incorporating this simple step into your styling routine is a proactive measure to ensure the longevity and health of your strands.

    #5 Regular trims

    One of the most helpful and effective lifestyle measures to win the battle against hair loss triggered by bad hairstyles. Best for individuals who frequently style their hair, trimming eliminates split ends and damaged portions of the hair. It prevents the damage from traveling up the shaft and causing further breakage.

    This practice promotes the growth of stronger, healthier strands, reducing the overall risk of hair loss associated with certain hairstyles. Schedule regular trims to keep your hair in optimal condition and minimize the impact of styling on its overall health.


    hair loss and hair style

    #6 Balanced diet

    Any hair loss discussion is incomplete without talking about this aspect! Nourishing your hair from the inside out is essential for maintaining its strength and resilience. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals including biotin, vitamin E, and iron supports overall hair health.

    Foods like nuts, leafy greens, and lean proteins will provide you necessary nutrients for hair growth. Incorporating a well-rounded diet into your lifestyle contributes to the vitality of your hair. It will make your strands less susceptible to damage from certain hairstyles and promote a lustrous, healthy appearance.

    #7 Hair systems

    Okay, not everyone can live without switching their hairstyles from time to time. Some may already have extreme damage to their hair. It is also true that the aforementioned tips may not work for everyone. So, what exactly can you do now? Well, fret not because we’ve got a solid solution for you!

    *Enter hair systems*

    For those who prefer versatility in their looks or are seeking an immediate solution to aggressive hair loss, we recommend considering hair systems. Unlike medical treatments that carry the risk of side effects, these non-surgical hair recovery solutions provide a hyper-realistic look. How, you ask? Hair systems comprise real human hair attached to a high-quality base to match your scalp color.

    They offer an effective cosmetic solution without compromising your existing hair or causing adverse reactions. Hair systems allow individuals to enjoy a diverse range of hairstyles while addressing hair loss challenges. While men can go for partial hairpieces or full-head toupees, women can choose wigs of diverse lengths and colors.

    Check out how amazing Juha looks after buying a premium hair system from Lordhair:

    Hairstyle-Related Hair Loss: Final Words

    We told you everything important about hair fall caused by certain hairstyles. Remember, your strands are precious. And taking proactive steps to care for them is essential! Pay attention to the unique needs of your hair and scalp. The aforementioned practices can go a long way in preserving the strength and vitality of your locks.

    If you have any concerns or specific questions about your hair health, contact us. Our team of hair experts will provide personalized advice tailored to your needs!

