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    MSM for Hair Growth: Impact, Usage, Side Effects, and More


    When it comes to dealing with hair loss, most of us have a range of options to choose from. Some methods like laser therapy, medications, and ointments are widely talked about. However, there’s another hair recovery option that is not common knowledge. 

    It’s called hair supplements. Out of the many available in the market, MSM has been in the news recently for hair growth. In this blog, Lordhair - trusted globally for hair toupees - will uncover the mysteries surrounding MSM and how it can help with your hair loss. From explaining its usage to discussing possible side effects, we will provide you with all the essential information. 

    First, let us understand exactly what this hair growth supplement is! 


    What Is MSM for Hair Growth? 

    Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a chemical compound used to provide a source of sulfur to the body. Also known by names like DMOS2, methyl sulfone, and dimethyl sulfone, MSM is found abundantly in nature. It can be extracted from fruits, vegetables, and beverages like beer, coffee, tea, and even cow’s milk.

    Apart from helping men and women with improving joint health and immunity, MSM can also be used for stimulating the production of keratin - a key protein for healthy hair, skin, and nails. 


    man  holding his chest

    How MSM Works for Hair Growth? 

    In order to understand how MSM helps with hair growth, you need to first grasp the structure of hair. A strand of hair is like a tiny, layered tube of three parts. The innermost part is called the medulla. Wrapped around that is the cortex. Dermatologists call it crucial as it is packed with keratin and other nutrients that strengthen hair strands. 

    The outside layer is called the cuticle. It is made of dead skin cells that shield the hair. In the second part of our hair - the cortex and its keratin-based structure - one can find a sulfur-rich environment. As we mentioned earlier, sulfur is the building block of life. It’s abundant in the human body and plays a big role in keeping hair healthy. 

    Our hair goes through three stages of growth - anagen (growing stage), catagen (intermediate stage), and telogen (resting or shedding stage). It turns out, MSM can kick-start the anagen stage or make it last longer. How? Well, it delivers sulfur to the middle layer of the hair strand, making it stronger and encouraging growth.  

    MSM also helps the human body produce collagen and keratin, which are super important for healthy hair. Now, some of our readers might be thinking, “OK, so this is how MSM helps with hair growth but is there any evidence supporting this claim?” Don’t worry, we will talk about that in the next section! 


    - Using kefir for hair growth and nourishment 

    - Tips to grow thicker hair in 2023

    - Everything about diffuse hair thinning in men 

    - Learn about derma rolling for hair loss


    What Does Research Say About MSM Hair Growth?

    For those who plan to use MSM for hair growth, you’re in luck! According to some dermatologists, methylsulfonylmethane may encourage healthy hair growth, thanks to the bonds this supplement forms to strengthen keratin in hair. While the research on this treatment isn’t extensive, here’s what we have found:

    A study conducted by Research Gate suggests that applying MSM powder topically may work as a treatment for alopecia (a common hair loss condition). This particular experiment was conducted on mice. Different aqueous solutions of MAP 7.5% with and without MSM (1%, 5%, and 10%) were prepared and applied onto the depilated back skin of the male mice once a day for 20 days. 

    The result: hair growth was witnessed by scientists. Another peer-reviewed, double-blind study conducted for the Natural Medicine Journal examined the efficacy of MSM supplement that was consumed in quantities of 1 and 3 grams for four months. It was found that the supplementation of this chemical compound improved the hair condition of 63 subjects.

    And that’s not it! In another 2019 study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), improvements were found in the hair health of men and women. During the research, scientists combined MSM with other compounds like hyaluronic acid and L-carnosine. This combination showed improvement in skin health including better hydration, elasticity, and slight enhancement in hair appearance. 


    Are There Side Effects Associated with MSM? 

    When it comes to using MSM for hair growth, it is generally considered safe for most people when used as directed. However, like any supplement or treatment, there can be potential side effects: 


    • Digestive issues: Some individuals may experience mild digestive discomforts such as diarrhea, bloating, or gas when taking MSM supplements. To minimize these effects, it's advisable to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it over time.

    • Allergic reactions: Although rare, some people may be allergic to MSM and could experience symptoms like itching, rash, or swelling. 

    • Interaction with medications: MSM may interact with certain medications such as blood thinners or medications for diabetes. If you're taking any prescription medications, consult your healthcare provider before adding MSM supplements to your routine to ensure there are no adverse interactions.

    • Skin irritation: When used topically, some individuals may experience skin irritation or itching. 

    • Headache: In some cases, individuals may report experiencing headaches as a side effect of MSM supplementation. 

    • Nausea: A few people reported nausea when taking this supplement for hair recovery. If this occurs, try taking it with food or dividing the dosage throughout the day to see if it helps alleviate the symptoms.


    It's important to note that side effects can vary from person to person. Before starting any new supplement regimen, it's wise to consult with a healthcare professional. 


    girl brushing her hair


    What Is the Best MSM Hair Recovery Treatment Alternative? 

    While MSM shows promise for hair recovery, the evidence of its effectiveness is still relatively limited. Also, there's the possibility of experiencing serious side effects. Considering these factors, it's worth exploring alternative options for those seeking to address hair loss and thinning.

    One highly effective alternative to modern treatments is toupee hair replacement systems. Often referred to as modern-day wigs, men's hairpieces, or hair toupees, they are meticulously crafted using real human hair that's hand-woven onto a base made from premium, skin-friendly materials. 

    Unlike treatments that carry the risk of side effects, hair toupees are 100% safe and risk-free. They can be attached using tape, adhesive, or clips. Not to mention, they can seamlessly blend with your natural hair to provide a remarkably realistic appearance. 

    This makes them an excellent choice for both men and women looking for a non-invasive, side-effect-free solution to hair loss. To discover more options for addressing hair loss, please check out our comprehensive hair loss prevention blog.

     We also recommend checking out this hair transformation video:



    MSM for Hair Growth

    We've told you everything important about using MSM for fixing thinning and hair loss. While this supplement may give you hair-related advantages, it seems the long-term effects can make it unsuitable for many men and women. If you believe it is not appropriate for you, we recommend checking out other hair recovery options. 

    Contact us today in case of queries. Our hair experts will be happy to answer them for you! 


