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    How to Make Bald Look Good in 2020

    ‘How to make bald look good?’ is a question often asked online by men suffering from hair loss. People want to know how men in Hollywood, fashion and even everyday life are proving that baldness can be braved with the right attitude and support. That’s why we decided to help men achieve the ultimate bald look by sharing our wisdom.


    In this blog, Lordhair will share tips, ideas, and hacks to help balding men look amazing and gain back their lost confidence. The following points have all proven to be helpful in making balding or bald men look good!


    Grow a beard


    Science says that women find bald men with a beard more attractive than clean-shaven ones. So, the first tip in the ‘make-bald-look-good’ cheat sheet is to grow a beard that suits your face structure. Due to the spare testosterone caused by hair loss on the scalp, growing a Van Dyke naturally won’t pose too much of a challenge.


    Grow a beard


    For the perfect beard, we recommend regular visits to your barber and a healthy diet. Washing it with beard shampoo once a week will also contribute to the growth of a healthy beard.


    Get a tanned scalp


    Getting a healthy tan to your scalp not only works like a charm for our bald brothers but also for men with a receding hairline. Besides delivering a smoother look, a tan also covers up bumps and redness on your head. Men living in hot areas can get a bit of sun therapy just from sitting outside for 30 minutes.


    On the other hand, men who live in cold areas can get an artificial tan from a local salon. You can also apply sunless tanners to your scalp. However, make sure to exfoliate the area gently beforehand to avoid any side effects.



    Want the feel of real hair on your head? Discover modern hair systems 


    Bulk up



    Ever wondered how Hollywood stars like Dwayne Johnson pull off the bald look so well? The secret is a buffed-up body! Get yourself into shape by changing your diet and lifestyle. At the same time as you increase your intake of food rich in vitamins and proteins, hit the gym to get the kind of physique that will divert attention from your baldness.


    Bulk up


    Getting ripped will make you look strong and youthful just like celebrities such as Vin Diesel, and Jason Statham. So get online, watch training videos, get motivated and get yourself to a gym.



    Moisturize your scalp


    A dry scalp is one of the most common problems for hair loss among men and that can lead to baldness. Also known as scalp buildup, this problem is triggered by shaving the head too often with a razor. Dragging multiple razors on your scalp causes a lot of stress on your skin which results in red bumps and flakes. That’s why it is necessary to moisturize your scalp once every two weeks.


    You can either buy a moisturizer prescribed by a trichologist or use natural home remedies such as coconut oil and aloe vera gel to end any dry scalp problems and make bald look good. Moisturize using a Q-tip and wash after 20 minutes with a mild shampoo. It will help you get back that lost shine!


    Wear sunglasses


    Facial proportions of men are greatly altered when they start losing hair. So, your style needs to adapt to keep up. That’s why Lordhair suggests balding men wear the right pair of sunglasses – when the weather allows it, of course - to get a brand new look. Apart from protecting the eyes from harmful UV rays, sunglasses are known to make bald men look particularly good!


    From Aviator to Wayfarer, there is a wide range of sunglasses available for men. Get yourself the pair that best matches the shape of your head and face. If you’re not sure what will suit you best then visit an optician’s for recommendations.


    Get a tattoo or piercing

    Tattoos and piercings are pretty common nowadays. They can play a crucial role in changing the overall look and personality of balding or bald men. Getting a neck tattoo or arm tattoo can complement your bald look and also divert attention from your hairless head.


     Get a tattoo


    Piercings work in the same way. Sporting the right studs can accentuate your look and make you look really good even with baldness. Young and brave enough to sport a piercing on other parts of the face? Go for it!


    Minimal body fat


    Our next tip for balding men is to have minimal body fat. The logic is that baldness with minimal body fat becomes more of a style statement rather than a hair loss problem. The body mass can be maintained and adjusted to your body composition by adopting a healthy diet and regular exercise.


    A combination of tanned skin, a muscular body, and minimal fat have been giving men suffering from hair loss a great look for years! While getting as big as Dwayne Johnson may be unrealistic, reducing body fat is not that big of a challenge if you have the right mindset.


    Wear the right clothes

    We simply cannot emphasize this enough! Clothing makes a huge difference in how you look and how you feel. If you are bald and want to look good, then, go for sharp clothing. Create a wardrobe that brings out the best of your body shape. Consulting a stylist can greatly help in picking the right clothes to accentuate your smooth head!


    Wear the right clothes


    Implementing even half of the above tips and ideas will be enough to make bald look good!


    Think doing all the above sounds like too much effort? Well, it is! So, instead…


    Invest in a hairpiece


    Wearing a modern hairpiece is the easiest way to look good while being bald.   There is something about being able to run your fingers through your hair. For men who are missing that full head of hair, we recommend buying a natural-looking hair system. The non-surgical hair solution is helping men across the world regain 100% natural appearance without the need to undergo painful treatment and side effects brought by medicine or surgical procedures.



    Modern hair systems give immediate results to men and can make bald look good in an instant! Buying a hairpiece from reputed brands like Lordhair guarantees a hyper-realistic look and comfort at a reasonable price.


    Lordhair designs and ships custom hair replacement systems to more than 100 countries. Our hair products are designed with 100% human hair and come with a 30-day money-back warranty. Have a look at our men’s hair system catalog and see what we’re about.


    Got any queries? Send them to support@lordhair.com and have them answered by our hair experts!
