13 Hair Loss Facts and Baldness Stats for 2022
- Written by Leo Lordhair
- Feb 7, 2022
- |
- 739 min read
For most young men and women, losing hair is nothing less than a nightmare. Even though baldness or hair thinning doesn’t cause any sort of physical pain and discomfort, the psychological and emotional damage is massive. Still, there is very little content on global hair loss numbers, statistics, facts, conditions, and related aspects out there. That’s why Lordhair is here with 13 interesting hair loss and thinning facts!
These baldness statistics and crown thinning trivia will not only bust some myths but also answer some important questions and hopefully wind down the stress caused by hair loss and thinning in 2022.
Before we list out hair loss and thinning statistics, let’s learn about some basic hair facts that you are probably not aware of!
4 Hair Loss Facts and Basics
#1 Hair strands are not living cells
Scientists don’t consider hair strands as living cells. To them, they are forged from protein cells called keratin - a fibrous protein that serves important structural and protective functions in hair. Healthy hair strands have two components - long shafts and thicker roots that constitute hair follicles.
#2 Average human has 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands on the scalp
An average human has about 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands on the scalp. What’s more interesting, they vary by hair color. Blondes average 150,000 whereas brown-haired men and women have about 110,000 hair strands on their scalp. Redheads have about 90,000 strands.
#3 Hair grows on most parts of our body
The scalp isn’t the only place where we have hair growth. Human hair can be found on all other parts of the body except the lips, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet! Every other place is hair territory.
#4 Hair goes through various stages of development
Just as humans have different stages of growth and development - infancy, toddler, childhood, teenage, and adulthood, human hair also goes through different stages of development. First, the fetal hair (also called lanugo hair) forms on the baby's scalp inside the mother's womb. It sheds after a little while and gets replaced by downy hair which is then replaced by mature (also called terminal hair).
Hair Loss and Thinning Facts
#5 Around 95% of hair loss in men is caused by androgenetic alopecia
95% of hair loss in men is caused by androgenetic alopecia. Androgen is a hormone that contributes to the development of gender characteristics in men. Androgenetic alopecia shrinks hair follicles, causing strands to reproduce at a slower rate either by cutting down the growing phase or lengthening the resting phase. It shuts down the hair follicles so that they no longer produce new strands.
#6 Hair loss caused by ponytails is a real thing
According to Harvard Medical School, female hair loss and thinning can be caused by traumatic alopecia triggered by ponytails and similar stress hairstyles. Exposing your strands to extreme heat or hairdressing techniques like cornrowing and braiding also pull hair and cause hair loss in women.
#7 Genetics and epigenetics play a role in hair loss
Hair loss is by and large a genetic issue. Meaning, there is hardly anything you can do to prevent it if bad hair is in your genes. However, if you want to stop it at the early stages, consider lowering epigenetic (environment) factors including stress, hormone imbalance, poor diet, or direct damage to your scalp.
Best non-surgical hair restoration methods for recovery in 2022.
Hair Loss Statistics and Trivia
#8 It is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs every day. That’s because new hair grows and replaces old hair on your scalp.
#9 Having a baby; going on a diet to lose weight quickly; consuming certain medicines; medical conditions like cancer; and going through physical or mental stress can also trigger hair loss and thinning.
#10 Around 85% of men have thinning hair by the age of fifty.
#11 Men and women can start losing their hair as early as 15 or 16.
#12 According to The Skin Therapy Letter Journal, 65% of patients with cancer experience hair loss because of chemotherapy.
#13 Baldness is most common in the Czech Republic which makes it the hair loss capital of the world. At 43%, a lot of Czech men are struggling with baldness and a receding hairline.