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    Shampoos for Hair Loss: Marketing Trickery?


    Shampoos for Hair Loss: Marketing Trickery?

    Hair loss is a universal problem, and its so-called solutions are also rampant, with products sold at Boots, Superdrug, Tesco and, even the pound shops. Where intense treatments like surgery and medication suggested coping with it successfully, some ridiculously easy-looking and inexpensive remedies like Shampoos to Cure Hair Loss are also on the list of sought-after solutions. They sell like hotcakes these days, another success of consumer marketers.

    Before we move ahead, let us briefly look at the types of hair loss.


    Types of Hair Loss

    There's a male pattern of hair loss that could make a real threat of hair receding. Permanent Hair Loss, which is done by a condition called Hair Follicle Miniaturization.

    And, more common than not, there's Normal Hair Loss, which we may all experience at least once in our lifetime. In natural circumstances, we lose approximately 90 hair strands daily. This makes about 8% percent of a full head of hair. So there is no need to worry about this type of hair loss which you may see on your hairbrush.

    Shampoos have a job to do, and their objective is to clean your hair. Shampoos that claim to prevent hair loss starting from around £5 and can be expensive as £50. I am a victim of hair loss and have personally experienced shampoos for at least two decades and, I can personally vouch for their inefficacy. I always thought they would miraculously stop my hair from shedding, but they only aggravated the problem, and I got about dryness on my scalp.


    The Marketing Trap

    Are you familiar with such claims?


    "Beneficial protective effects on the scalp and strengthen the hair"

    I feel as though these claims are pompous and attractive enough to entice vulnerable buyers. But the fact is the very first thing that doctors suggest to keep a healthy scalp is using less shampoo. Plus, these shampoos may well claim that they are packed with vital vitamins; medical science has starkly different views, i.e., vitamins are supposed to last a considerable impact only when taken internally. They have very little effect on your scalp when applied externally.

    Another reason why any shampoo may not be a go-to solution is, shampoos contain chemicals that help them remove sebum and dirt from the hair and scalp. Good, but these chemicals leave our hair frizzy and dry, contributing to a loss of more strands.


    Marketing Trickey

    Companies have targeted a passive portion of the public, which is quite large, unfortunately. People can't resist themselves because, generally, the outlook of their products is extremely attractive. From the title to packaging to fragrance, everything screams, ''buy me, I can help you!''

    They tell us about those benefits that have to do more with the general beauty and health of hair but little with the foundations of hair loss. Are shampoo companies cunningly trying to establish their authority as a hair loss remedy?
    Anyone experiencing hair loss should know that only two effective drugs are established for hair loss remedies: Finasteride and Minoxidil. They, too, have severe side effects. And, till now, none of them is useable as a shampoo or as an ingredient of shampoos.

    That said, these companies do their best to persuade the customer by simply raising the profile of their products as a product goes on the market to compete with others.

    When I hear people's stories of adopting ways to restore their hair, for example, hair transplants, PRP, etc., I don't immediately ask myself why they don't just go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of hair loss shampoo for £5.99. Now you get it. Either they are aware of it, or they have already tried it like me. Yes. No shampoo has been clinically proven to support hair regrowth.


    Shampoos for Hair Loss: How to Avoid the Trickery

    So the crux of all this debate and my own experience is that we should go only for concrete solutions, especially if we are experiencing male pattern hair loss. My hair is a valuable asset for me, and I will only take serious steps to preserve the hair I can and leave the rest to my hair system from Lordhair.


