A hair color ring is a good tool for help choose hair color if clients choose not to provide a hair color sample. Different hair system suppliers use different color rings.
The Lordhair men’s color ring has over 100 colors, including grey percentage. The main colors are #1 Jet Black, #1B Off Black, #2 Darkest Brown, #3 Dark Brown, #4 Medium Dark Brown, #5 Medium Brown, #6 Medium Light Brown, #7 Light Brown, #17 Dark Blonde, #18 Dark Blonde, #20 Blonde; they correspond to 1T, 1BT, 2T, 3T, 4T, 5T, 6T, 7T, 17T, 18T, 20T on the men’s color ring. These have no red tone. There are two ash colors on the ring, #4ASH and #7ASH, which mean the hair colors have no red tone, but have ash tone. If you need red tone hair, there is 4R, 6R, 8R, 10R, 12R, 17R, 20R, 30R and 6RD, which means color #4 with red tone, color #6 with red tone, color #8 with red tone, color #10 with red tone, and so on. Color 59, 60, 60RY are grey hair colors. If your own hair has some grey, you also can match the grey percentage. In the ring, there are colors named 180T, 1B20, 395T, 1765T, etc. The name indicates the grey percentage. 180T means color #1 Jet Black with 80% grey hair, 1B20 means color #1B Off Black with 20% grey hair, 395T means color 3 dark brown with 95% grey. Now, what does 1765T mean? Yes, it means color #17 with 65% grey.
The Lordhair women’s color ring contains over 20 colors. The women’s color ring looks more iridescent than the men’s color ring. It has black colors, like #1 Jet Black, #1B Off black; brown colors, like #2 Dark Brown, #4 Medium Dark Brown, #8 Light Brown; blonde colors, like #18, #22, etc., and almost 10 kinds of bright colors, such as green, pink, orange, purple, blue, burgundy, etc. Women’s hair colors usually have red tones.
You might be wondering if you can choose colors from either the men's or women's ring. The answer is YES. You can choose whatever color you want. From a professional perspective, yjr men’s color ring contains the basic real human hair colors, which is more suitable for functional hair systems, whether for a man or women. The women’s color ring has more bright colors, which are more used for fashion wigs, extensions and wefts. If you are considering ordering a color ring from us, don’t be restricted by gender, order it on the basis of your needs.
If you need to order Lordhair color rings, please click the link below.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email: support@lordhair.com