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    Are Hair Systems Noticeable?

    Are Men’s Hair Systems Noticeable? 

    When wearing a hair system one of the biggest fears of customers is for it to be inconspicuous and invisible to people you meet. Dozens of our customers regularly tell us that the best feeling is when they have told people they wear a men’s wig and that they have to double-take in disbelief. That is our goal at Lordhair – to provide you with hairpieces for men that fool even discerning eyes!

    So what should you look for in terms of invisibility when considering a hair replacement system? Read on to find out…


    Hair Type

    Human hair is of course the most realistic of hair types when it comes to a hair system. I mean, of course it is! That is just what we humans have on our heads naturally. The way hair blows in the wind, that it can be styled with heat tools, that it reacts just like the hair growing out of your head with styling products in and the fact that human hair strands are not uniformly one color but are textured all contribute to making a hairpiece toupee with human hair all the more realistic.

    You can of course choose a cheaper synthetic material, but the feel of synthetic hair is not the same as real hair, and this can be a clue as to the authenticity of your hair toupee.


    Top Base

    Looking from above at a hairpiece, those with large non-bleached knots and netting that is visible are a dead giveaway, although they are usually more sturdy than skin-based male hair units. This is sometimes the trade-off you must consider if you want to fool people looking super close at your hairpiece toupee.

    Happily, in recent years the craftsmanship of hair systems has improved dramatically, specifically on Lordhair hair systems, with our dedication to the precision of our art and to providing customers with the realistic appearance they trust us to provide. Gone are the days of wigs that old men would wear. Modern hair systems from quality suppliers provide comfort and achieve a hair system that is natural.

    You therefore should look for bases such as super skin that can last up to 4 months depending on the thickness of the skin. You can also look for units with bleached knots such as the Combo-VP men’s wig with French lace front from Lordhair, this hides the knots that give you away.

     Lordhair Neo A-shape Hair System



    Even if the top of the base is a more sturdy material, the front can always be the biggest giveaway of a toupee hair replacement system.

    Many hairpiece toupees use lace fronts because they offer the ability of an extremely natural hairline look, which of course is not uniformly straight on our head. Hairs are knotted in an extremely natural way, like in the picture. Hairlines that have uniformly straight hairlines can often look less natural. Sometimes that “rugged” and unpolished look in a hairline can give the appearance of a real hairline.

    The newly arrived Combo-VP men’s wig with French lace front from Lordhair offers a thicker 0.1mm skin for durability with bleached knot French lace front, which allows for that perfect hairline.

    Lastly, when deciding the front hairline, you should think about the arch and height. If you are over 50, many men decide that a slight arching hairline, such as the Lordhair Neo with an A shape suits them better.

     men's hairpiece

    Combo-VP men’s wig with French lace front available at Lordhair


    Summary of how to reduce how noticeable hair systems are!

    • l  Choose human hair
    • l  Go for a base with bleached knots
    • l  Choose a front that is natural, such as lace that does not have a uniformly straight hairline
    • l  Consider the arch and height of the hairline to match your age
    • l  Tell us your story of when you told a shocked friend you wear a hair system!


    We hope you found this advice useful and would love to know the reaction of your friends when you told them you were wearing a hair system.

    If you have an interesting story TELL US in the comments below!

    Or head to our Lordhair Facebook group and share with other Lordhair hair system wearers!


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