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    9 Reasons Why Men Lose Hair – Hair Shedding Problems & Treatments

    Hair loss problem is one of the most troubling problems faced by men. No wonder, most males at some point of time wonder ‘why men lose hair’. To be honest, there are a lot of reasons behind hair shedding in men.


    In this blog, Lordhair will share reasons behind hair shedding problem, and also share how you can tackle hair loss to retain a full head of hair. Let’s start by listing out 9 reasons that cause a man to lose his hair:


    Hereditary pattern baldness


    Hair loss caused by genes is the first thing that comes in the mind of every man struggling with hair loss in 30s and 40s. Also referred to as Androgenetic Alopecia, it is a common problem in which a man starts losing his hair, thanks to genes inherited from his parents. Hereditary-pattern baldness starts with thinning of hair and often progresses to complete hair loss on parts of the scalp.


    A person suffering from hereditary-pattern baldness usually starts losing his hair at the temple and crown area of the scalp, forming an M-shaped pattern. At last, only a rim of hair along the side & back of the scalp remains.


    Doctors are still unable to find the reason behind the hair loss caused by a sudden change in hormones. This is the reason why hereditary pattern baldness can't be treated.


    However, there are some ways to slow down further hair loss caused by Androgenetic Alopecia.


    Here are the solutions to slow down hereditary pattern baldness


    • Minoxidil: Minoxidil is a medication used for the treatment of male-pattern hair loss. Applying minoxidil to the scalp twice a day can help you to slow down the hair shedding process in a few months. Beware of the minoxidil side effects though.


    • Finasteride: Finasteride is another drug that can be useful in slowing down the hair loss process. It comes in the form of pills that blocks the formation of the type of testosterone that affects hair growth.


    • Oils and Creams: There is no dearth of oils, creams, and lotions in the market that claim to prevent hair loss problem. However, this method has not reported huge success.


    • Hair systems: Hair systems are widely being embraced by men who experience hair loss since they have zero side effects. Hair systems are like modern wigs that can be worn for many days without removal. Check out hair systems or watch the below experience video to hear from one of the hair system users.





    Taking stress is one of the biggest reasons behind excessive hair loss among young adults. It is our body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. You can experience stress from your environment, body, and thoughts. Besides affecting your mental health, too much stress can also lead to hair fall problems in males, leaving you to wonder ‘why I’m losing hair’.  


    Hair loss caused by stress is of three types: Telogen effluvium, Trichotillomania, and Alopecia areata. Hair fall caused by stress can be usually seen while combing and shampooing your hair. However, hair loss caused by stress will not last forever if treated on time.


    Considering these points will help you reduce hair loss caused by stress and encourage new growth.


    • Get plenty of sleep: Lack of sleep contributes to both mental and physical stress. Getting a proper sleep of 7-8 hours will help you reduce stress and hair loss problems.


    • Healthy diet: Eating healthy diet gives our body more energy, enabling it to better cope with stress. Timely meals complimented with fruits, seeds, and vegetables contribute to the strength of hair, making it less likely to fall out.


    • Exercise and Yoga: Regular exercise and yoga play an important role in tackling stress and anxiety. It soothes your nerves and helps you avoid hair fall problems.


    By keeping these points in mind, you can eliminate your stress and hair fall problem.

    why men lose hair




    Hair fall caused by medications is one of the most common reasons of hair loss among men. It is usually temporary in nature and mostly occurs within days or weeks of starting a new medication or changing the dose. The development of hair loss depends on both the drug and individual predisposition. There are two types of hair loss conditions triggered in men by medications. One is Anagen effluvium and the other is telogen effluvium.


    Anagen effluvium is triggered by chemotherapy drugs, colchicine & boric acid which lead to excessive hair loss. Telogen effluvium, on the other hand, occurs due to the use of anticoagulants, antihypertensives, and serious drug eruption. However, these drugs only cause temporary hair fall that goes away once you’ve adjusted or stopped taking the high dose of medicine.


    Below treatments will help you eliminate your hair loss problem caused by medication:


    • Change in medicines: Ask your doctor to change your medicine if you are experiencing heavy hair shedding. They will change the meds to something that doesn't cause hair loss.


    • Propecia: Propecia is one of the best treatments that help you eliminating temporary hair loss problems. Consuming Propecia every day will overcome the hair fall problem triggered by medications.


    • Dutasteride: Dutasteride is used to treat prostate gland enlargement. Prescribed by physicians, this medication also helps in preventing further hair loss. Using them at an earlier stage of hair loss will see more favorable results.


    Above are treatments that can help you overcome the hair loss problem caused by medication.


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    Scalp infections


    Scalp infections are one of the biggest reasons that contribute to hair loss among men. These are mostly caused by bacteria or fungi which enter through hair follicles or damaged skin and cause excessive hair shedding. Scalp infections usually form a crust on your scalp and can become worse if not treated on time.


    There are many types of scalp infections that cause hair fall and some of the common infections include folliculitis, ringworm, scleroderma, pediculosis, and scalp acne. Scalp infections can be treated either with medical treatments or home remedies.


    Below are the most common ways to treat scalp infections.


    • Oral steroids: Using oral steroids prescribed by doctors is one of the best ways to treat scalp infection. It may help reduce the risk for and extent of permanent hair loss caused by scalp infections.


    • Healthy diet: Consuming a diet rich in iron, zinc, niacin, selenium, vitamins and other essential nutrients will help you eliminate itchiness caused by infections.


    • Essential oils: Essential oils including rosemary and peppermint can slow down hair loss and promote new hair growth.

    Scalp infection


    Using these ways will help you overcome the hair loss problem caused by scalp infection.


    Read more about scalp infections & ways to treat them!


    Alopecia areata


    Men who don’t know about alopecia areata, it is a common autoimmune disorder that causes unpredictable hair loss in the form of patches. The typical pattern is for one or more bald patches to appear on the scalp. These tend to be round in shape and about the size of a large coin.


    This autoimmune disease causes 80% of hair loss and also affects various hairy areas of the human body including eyebrows, eyelashes and chest hair. Hair fall caused by alopecia areata can be recovered within a few months but in some cases, it can cause permanent hair loss. There is no cure for alopecia areata but there are some treatments that can help you overcome this problem.


    Below are some of the treatments which may help you overcome the problem of alopecia areata:


    • Topical minoxidil solution: Topical minoxidil solutions can be used to slow down hair fall caused by alopecia areata. These solutions can be rubbed into the bald patches and have been shown to promote hair regrowth in some cases.
    • Onion oil: Using natural home remedies such as onion oil will help you to recover hair in a few months. Apply onion oil on your scalp and rinse it with shampoo gently.


    Using above treatments which will help you promote hair growth on the scalp and other parts of the body. Watch the below video to learn what type of hair are popularly used in a hair system:



    Hair products


    Most of the men use hair products for styling their hair but they don’t know about their side effects. Using hair products such as hair gel and wax excessively damages your hair and triggers hair shedding. These styling products consist of three most harmful chemicals including dibutyl phthalate, toluene, and formaldehyde which steals the shine of your hair and makes them weak. If you use a lot of hair products, you have the answer to ‘why you are losing hair?’


    Hair fall can also be triggered by the use of a hairdryer. The heat from your blow-dryer makes your hair dry and brittle. Daily hair drying can cause your hair to lose moisture which then leads to hair shedding. Instead of using such hair products, using natural methods will help you to keep your hair smooth, thick and shiny.


    Here are some of the remedies to gain back the shine of your hair:


    • Coconut oil: Using coconut oil will help you to gain back the shine of your hair. Rich in fatty acids, it removes the harmful oil from the follicles and makes them strong from the roots.
    • Eggs: Eggs are proved to be effective in promoting hair growth on the scalp. They are high in protein and can be essential for the body to build strong, thick hair. Applying an egg on the scalp once a week will make your hair smooth and silky.


    These remedies will help you escape from the hair fall problem caused by harmful hair products.

    Hair products for men




    Psoriasis is a skin condition in which red, scaly patches and silver scales are formed on the scalp which causes itching and discomfort. Scratching your scalp can make this problem worse, leading to hair loss. Scalp psoriasis can be mild or severe, with cases ranging from light scaling to thick plaques. This condition can appear anywhere on the scalp in the form of small patches. It may cover the entire area in some cases.


    Methods of forcefully removing the scales to relieve psoriasis may also cause hair loss. Over 50% of men lose their hair by scratching their scalp infected by psoriasis. However, the hair loss caused by psoriasis is temporary.


    Below are the treatments which will help you to gain back hair in a few months.


    • Oils rich in minerals: Using oil rich in minerals will help you to overcome the problem scalp itchiness caused by psoriasis. Apply it at night and wash your scalp in the morning.
    • Steroids: Steroids prescribed by the doctors can be used to treat scalp psoriasis. They can reduce swelling and inflammation, along with the redness of the lesions.
    • Lasers: Laser treatments may also help in overcoming the hair fall problem. It transmits high amounts of UVB light on the scalp which eliminates psoriasis.  


    Using the above treatments will help those men who are suffering from the hair loss problem caused by psoriasis.


    Seborrheic dermatitis


    Just like psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis is also a chronic skin condition that forms the patches of red, flaky & itchy skin on the scalp which can cause hair loss among men. Often caused by genetic or immune system problems, excessive scratching can injure your hair follicles, resulting in some hair loss.


    Seborrheic dermatitis can also form dandruff on the scalp which is another reason behind the hair fall among men. Unlike alopecia areata, this problem can be treated either with OTC remedies or prescription treatment.


    Below are some of the best OTC and prescription treatments to overcome the problem of hair fall caused by seborrheic dermatitis.


    • Medicated shampoo: One of the main OTC treatments for seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp is medicated shampoos designed to treat dandruff. Rich in pyrithione zinc & salicylic acid, this shampoo will help you in eliminating the hair fall problem caused by seborrheic dermatitis in a few months.
    • Antifungal medication: Using oral antifungal medication is also beneficial for overcoming the hair fall problem caused by seborrheic dermatitis. However, it tends to cause a lot of side effects and interactions with other medications if not used with precautions.


    These treatments will help you to eliminate seborrheic dermatitis affects.


    high quality stock hair systems are really useful for those who are suffering from chronic hair loss problem! 

     customer before - after


    Unhealthy diet


    Ever wondered what are the side effects of having an unhealthy diet? Consuming too much junk food doesn’t only affect your digestive system but also triggers hair shedding. Consuming essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins will help you promote hair and make them thick, smooth & shiny.


    Sometimes, strict weight-loss diets can lead to noticeable hair loss. It usually occurs about three months after losing 15 pounds or more of body weight. That’s why consuming a diet rich in nutrients is necessary for healthy hair.


    Add below foods to your diet to never Google ‘why men lose hair’:


    • Fish: Eating fish like salmon, herring & mackerel is considered the best as they are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to healthy hair growth.
    • Avocados: Avocados are delicious, nutritious and a great source of healthy fats. They are also an excellent source of vitamin E, which eliminates hair fall among men.
    • Oysters: One of the best sources of zinc, consuming oysters from time to time can help support hair growth & makes them thick and strong.


    Above are the foods rich in minerals & vitamins which can help you to avoid hair fall problem.


    Why men lose hair – Last words


    While are the reasons that cause hair fall problem among men, following recommended treatments will help you to grow thick, shiny & strong hair. However, these remedies will be effective for men who are struggling with temporary hair loss and medical hair loss. Males fighting chronic hair loss can rely on the hyper-realistic hair systems provided from Lordhair!


    We provide the world’s best hair systems and toupees customized to your unique needs. Our non-surgical hair recovery products are shipped to more than 100 countries and come with a 30 days money back warranty.


    Send your queries regarding hair systems to support@lordhair.com or connect with on Lordhair on Instagram.
